Leedom discussed the top 10 scams targeting seniors, including health insurance fraud, prescription drug fraud, funeral scams, investment schemes, mortgage scams, lottery scams, and identify theft, while Mooney's talk focused on scams employed by dishonest HVAC contractors.
Teaching consumers how to protect themselves from would-be scammers is an integral part of the mission of Sean McCutcheon’s Air Conditioning and Heating. Community. Informed. Protected.
A second symposium was held on Thursday, May 16 at the Venice Senior Friendship Center.
They took this action in order to raise awareness about the growing number of fraudulent activities specifically directed at older adults across the country, to encourage the implementation of policies designed to prevent these scams, and to improve protections for seniors.
Sean McCutcheon’s Air Conditioning and Heating can’t stop IRS impersonation scams, charity fraud or identity theft, but we can help stop predatory HVAC contractors from taking advantage of seniors in our community by teaching them how to spot a con so they can protect themselves.
Common scams include:
We’re so committed to fraud awareness and prevention that we created a website called Americas Repair Force (www.americasrepairforce.com) and a series of humorous videos designed to protect you from predatory contractors and help you avoid scams.
Don't be fooled, call Sean McCutcheon's Air Conditioning and Heating at 941-921-7208, whenever a deal sounds to good to be true!